Monday 22 February 2010

The Script - final draft by Maya

Radio Voiceover: And today's top story, the government has revealed details concerning a breakout at a secure genetic experiment facility where 4 highly dangerous subjects have escaped. The government has warned the public to stay calm but wary of these highly dangerous people. More details will be given when we get it. In a related story the Doctor in charge of this experiment has come forward regarding the disappearance of his 11 year-old niece from a park 5 days ago...... (Fading out) and now the weather

During voiceover, Lea skips along the path, climbs up on to the fence, the lead mutant follows her and grabs her and throws her down.

Chatter and laughter from the two girls as they walk down the path. Lucy sees the bag on the ground and walks over to it, Caroline follows.

Lucy: Hey, look at this bag, lets see if there's anything good in it.

Lucy opens bag, Caroline steps back.

Caroline: Ah, no just leave it, come on lets go.

Muffled dialogue and rustling from mutants with the body. Girls see them, gasp.

Caroline: Just keep calm and walk away

Lucy screams
, they both run away.

Mutant1: Leave the body and get them, we can't let them get away.

Mutants corner the girls, then the girls run towards the forest. They stop and look back.

Lucy: Wait, they've gone. Where have they gone?!

Girls walk backwards, Caroline trips and falls to the ground.

Caroline: Lucy, help!

Lucy looks down to help Caroline, and sees the mutants in front of her.

Caroline: What is it?

Lucy runs away. She looks back and hears Caroline scream, but they are not in sight. She carries on running till she is in the clearing and stops. She looks around where no one is in sight. She breathes heavily and takes a step backwards, the lead mutant appears behind her and grabs her, taking her to the floor. She screams.

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