Monday 26 April 2010


Frech thriller - 'Mutants' - amber
Shaun of the Dead - aimee
I am Legend - aimee
28days later - maya
28weeks later
omega man
The Hills Have Eyes

Monday 22 February 2010

The Script - final draft by Maya

Radio Voiceover: And today's top story, the government has revealed details concerning a breakout at a secure genetic experiment facility where 4 highly dangerous subjects have escaped. The government has warned the public to stay calm but wary of these highly dangerous people. More details will be given when we get it. In a related story the Doctor in charge of this experiment has come forward regarding the disappearance of his 11 year-old niece from a park 5 days ago...... (Fading out) and now the weather

During voiceover, Lea skips along the path, climbs up on to the fence, the lead mutant follows her and grabs her and throws her down.

Chatter and laughter from the two girls as they walk down the path. Lucy sees the bag on the ground and walks over to it, Caroline follows.

Lucy: Hey, look at this bag, lets see if there's anything good in it.

Lucy opens bag, Caroline steps back.

Caroline: Ah, no just leave it, come on lets go.

Muffled dialogue and rustling from mutants with the body. Girls see them, gasp.

Caroline: Just keep calm and walk away

Lucy screams
, they both run away.

Mutant1: Leave the body and get them, we can't let them get away.

Mutants corner the girls, then the girls run towards the forest. They stop and look back.

Lucy: Wait, they've gone. Where have they gone?!

Girls walk backwards, Caroline trips and falls to the ground.

Caroline: Lucy, help!

Lucy looks down to help Caroline, and sees the mutants in front of her.

Caroline: What is it?

Lucy runs away. She looks back and hears Caroline scream, but they are not in sight. She carries on running till she is in the clearing and stops. She looks around where no one is in sight. She breathes heavily and takes a step backwards, the lead mutant appears behind her and grabs her, taking her to the floor. She screams.

Monday 1 February 2010

Research on opening credits

As 28 Days Later (2002, directed by Danny Boyle) is a film similar to our plot, we decided to research how they did the opening credits for the film. Click on the link to see the opening sequence for 28 Days Later:

The film company Fox Searchlight Pictures made 28 Days Later and would be ideal to be the company behind ours, as they work with British independent films, such as our one.

Here is a picture of how they showed the credit for Fox Searchlight Pictures. The main colours are red, black and white with a plain font for the company name, and a red, almost blood splattered font for "presents". This suggests that the film is a horror-thriller which is similar to ours.

For the actor and actress's names, they have used a bold white font which have moved into the screen from the side and then faded out.

The title has been shown in a large white font which fades in and out with a blood effect flowing into the letter, creating a more gruesome and eerie effect, and it hints the genre and plot of the film.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Roles Of The Group - Aimee and Amber

In the group we all had separate roles.
[click on the group member's name to get to their personal media blog, and/or click on their role to get to their personal blog posts which give details of their experience in their specific role (only available for certain members)]

Maya - Directing.


  • Instructing the Camera man on the types of shots, angles and what to film.
  • They also direct the production of the film deciding what shots are kept and which are unneeded.
Amber - Mise En Scene.
  • Deciding and collecting props needed for filming.
  • Deciding on the perfect locations to film certain scenes of the film.
  • Choosing the outfits for the different actors in the film.
Niall - Main Editor.
  • Editing the film and adding sound effects, effects, etc.
  • Informing group members what they need to edit.
Aimee - Camera Work
  • Filming for the opening sequence.
  • Following the directors instructions of shots, angles, etc.
  • Directing the actors on how to behave, act, talk in different shots.

ALL - Sound
  • Finding music and sounds for different scenes. eg, eerie music
  • Sound effects.
  • Ensuring the sound matches the action eg, a swing moving; the sound effects must meet the rocking motion of the swing so it's in sync.

Monday 18 January 2010

Change of setting- by Amber

After filming for the first time, we edited our film and discovered that we needed to re-shoot it to add in more angles and shots. We soon discovered though, that the playground we had previously used had been fenced up and we were no longer able to use it.
This meant that we had to choose a new location. We decided that Gunnersbury Park would be a great alternative location because of its size, playground and dense woodland. So, on the 17th of January, we went to Gunnersbury Park to re-film our Thriller Opening Sequence. Unfortunately, the day was one of the warmest we had had in London for quite a while and so the playground was filled with children. As we needed an empty playground for the setting, we had to think up a new scenario where the child gets kidnapped and murdered, without filming in a playground.

Here are pictures of the new location:

After looking around the park we decided to have the girl skip down next to the pond, running a stick along the railings. Then, she would climb up onto the railings to look out onto the pond and then she would get grabbed, dragged backwards into the trees behind, and in the process drop her rucksack near the path.
This varies from the original plan as the railings are used instead of the swing for the girl to be grabbed from, and the bag is used in the place of the shoe to attract the attention of the two girls. As an alternative of the two teenagers tripping over the foot of the dead child and all that is seen is her shoeless foot and leg sticking out from behind a tree, we thought that the teenagers witnessing the murder of the child would make more sense.

The reason behind this is that the mutants are supposed to be smart, and their murders are thought out delicately and in detail. Their murders are to get revenge, they are not just senseless acts of violence and so this gave the mutants a reason to kill the girls, whereas previously, there had been none. When the girls witness the murder of the Doctor's niece, the mutants have to make sure that their positions and actions are kept a mystery from the government and so, to make sure they are not found out, they have to kill the two teenagers. If they are found out they will be killed and they will not be able to avenge themselves.

It is an act of survival, not pure hate.

We tried this, but found that it was not as effective as we originally thought and so we decided, once again, to change the story slightly. The mutants, having murdered the girl in the park a few days ago, come back to move the body in order to hide it in a more discrete location. In the process of this, the two teenagers walk by and notice the bag. Hoping to find valuables within it they go toward it, and in looking up from the bag into the bushes just beyond, they unintentionally witness the mutants dragging the body of the Doctor's niece out of the previous hiding place. They scream, and the mutants drop the body and give chase, hoping to catch the girls and kill them before they could alert the authorities to their whereabouts.
This, once again, gives the mutants a more justifiable reason to kill the girls.

Monday 11 January 2010

Film Schedule by Maya

  • Date: 20/11/09
  • Day/Night Location: Sunset
  • Scenes filmed: All scenes
  • Actors Needed: Everyone
  • Mise-en-scene Required: playground, costumes, mutant make-up

  • Date: 17/01/10
  • Day/Night Location: Day
  • Scenes Filmed: All scenes
  • Actors Needed: Everyone
  • Mise-en-scene Required: forest, costumes, mutant make-up

  • Date: 24/01/10
  • Day/Night Location: Day
  • Scenes Filmed: Girls in forest running, Ellie running away then mutant grabbing her
  • Actors Needed: Ellie, Annie, Niall, Derek, Amber
  • Mise-en-scene Required: Forest, costumes, mutant make-up

  • Date: 12/02/10
  • Day/Night Location: Day
  • Scenes Filmed: Girls first see mutants (Rhia is already dead instead), Annie tripping up, Ellie leaves her
  • Actors Needed: Everyone
  • Mise-en-scene Required: Forest, costumes, mutant make-up

Thursday 17 December 2009

1st Draft Of The Script by Maya

Setting: The Playground.

Lea is on the swing.

Radio Reporter: And today’s top story, the government has revealed details concerning a breakout at a secure genetic experiment facility where 4 highly dangerous subjects have escaped. The government has warned the public to stay calm but wary of these highly dangerous people. More details will be given when we get it. In a related story the Doctor in charge of this experiment has come forward regarding the disappearance of his 11 year-old niece from a park 5 days ago...... (Fading out) and now the weather...

Arms grab behind Lea, grasp her and cover her mouth.

Lucy and Caroline enter through the gate, arms linked talking. They walk towards the swings.

Lucy: You should have seen what she was wearing at the party, seriously, the dress looked terrible on her. I mean, I know she’s our mate but, we have to tell her the truth- for her own good!

Caroline: I know, but there’s no need to be harsh. Anyway, can we go home, it’s getting too cold and dark now.

Caroline sees a shoe by the swing and picks it up.

Caroline: Ha, why would anyone leave their shoe?

She drops the shoe

Caroline: Come on lets go.

Lucy: Oh, but we only just got here!

Caroline: Yeah but I have to be home soon anyway, my dinner will be ready.

There is a scream from the forest, they look towards the forest, and then turn back around. Then they hear a sound from the climbing frame. The four mutants are on the climbing frame. Caroline grabs Lucy, they start to back away. They look to the gate and outside the park for people.

Lucy: You’re right, we need to go now...

The girls look back to the climbing frame. The mutants are not there. The girls look around, they are on a different climbing frame laughing.

Caroline: (whispers) Head towards the gate, and run.

The lead mutant: Go on, run.

The girls start to run out the gate, across the field.

The mutants laugh from the fence of the playground.

Lucy: Hide in the trees!

The girls run towards the forest through the trees.

Lead Mutant: Lets go.

Lucy stumbles, Caroline helps her up. They carry on running.

Caroline trips on the body, sees it and gasps.

Caroline: Oh my god! Help me, I think I twisted my ankle!

Lucy looks at her

Lucy: Sorry...

Lucy turns back round to carry on running.

Caroline: What? Don’t leave me!

A mutant jumps from a tree, blocking the screen.

Caroline screams.

Lucy reaches a clearing, she stands still looking around breathing heavily. A mutant stands behind her growling, she walks into him. A growl.