Monday, 30 November 2009

Initial Ideas


Idea Number 1:

The narrative:

  • Detectives find a series of murdered women with related marks on their body. Detective Conolley and Detectective Hail have to solve the mystery murders, paying attention to all around them, including the corrupt instution that they work in.

Characters (in the opening sequence):

  • Detective Conolley
  • Detective Hail
  • Sandra Ford - the head forensic scientist
  • A murdered woman

Locations (in the opening sequence):

  • The kitchen of a house

Clues about the film's narrative:

  • The markings of the corpse, and markings on the body of another corpse in a photograph
  • The characters will have a dialogue that will indicate that the murders are related

Idea Number 2:

The narrative:

  • A group of mutated humans from a nuclear testing experiment gone wrong, go on an abducting rampage. They do this to convert humans into mutants to restore their type and to take revenge on the humans that destroyed them. The country's army then have to save the nation by capturing and killing the mutants.

The characters (of the opening sequence) :

  • Emily Johnson - A young girl of around 12 years old
  • The 4 main mutants
  • Caroline Wilson (17 years old) and Lucy Green (16 years old) - Two teenage friends

The locations (of the opening sequence):

  • A park playground
  • A forest/woodland area of the park

Clues about the film's narrative:

  • A radio voice over telling the audience about the science experiment
  • The audience will see the mutants
  • An innocent child is killed

Development of idea number 2:

As we analysed our second idea that appealed to us the most, we recognised that the narrative was too similar to the film 28 Days Later. Therefore, we decided to change the narrative of idea so that we had a more unique plot :

A small group of mutated humans who where in a nuclear science experiment that went wrong, escape their containment hospital in persuit of seeking revenge of the Doctor who was in charge of the experiment and responsible for it going wrong. They do this by threatening the life of those closest to the Doctor.

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