Thursday 17 December 2009

1st Draft Of The Script by Maya

Setting: The Playground.

Lea is on the swing.

Radio Reporter: And today’s top story, the government has revealed details concerning a breakout at a secure genetic experiment facility where 4 highly dangerous subjects have escaped. The government has warned the public to stay calm but wary of these highly dangerous people. More details will be given when we get it. In a related story the Doctor in charge of this experiment has come forward regarding the disappearance of his 11 year-old niece from a park 5 days ago...... (Fading out) and now the weather...

Arms grab behind Lea, grasp her and cover her mouth.

Lucy and Caroline enter through the gate, arms linked talking. They walk towards the swings.

Lucy: You should have seen what she was wearing at the party, seriously, the dress looked terrible on her. I mean, I know she’s our mate but, we have to tell her the truth- for her own good!

Caroline: I know, but there’s no need to be harsh. Anyway, can we go home, it’s getting too cold and dark now.

Caroline sees a shoe by the swing and picks it up.

Caroline: Ha, why would anyone leave their shoe?

She drops the shoe

Caroline: Come on lets go.

Lucy: Oh, but we only just got here!

Caroline: Yeah but I have to be home soon anyway, my dinner will be ready.

There is a scream from the forest, they look towards the forest, and then turn back around. Then they hear a sound from the climbing frame. The four mutants are on the climbing frame. Caroline grabs Lucy, they start to back away. They look to the gate and outside the park for people.

Lucy: You’re right, we need to go now...

The girls look back to the climbing frame. The mutants are not there. The girls look around, they are on a different climbing frame laughing.

Caroline: (whispers) Head towards the gate, and run.

The lead mutant: Go on, run.

The girls start to run out the gate, across the field.

The mutants laugh from the fence of the playground.

Lucy: Hide in the trees!

The girls run towards the forest through the trees.

Lead Mutant: Lets go.

Lucy stumbles, Caroline helps her up. They carry on running.

Caroline trips on the body, sees it and gasps.

Caroline: Oh my god! Help me, I think I twisted my ankle!

Lucy looks at her

Lucy: Sorry...

Lucy turns back round to carry on running.

Caroline: What? Don’t leave me!

A mutant jumps from a tree, blocking the screen.

Caroline screams.

Lucy reaches a clearing, she stands still looking around breathing heavily. A mutant stands behind her growling, she walks into him. A growl.


Tuesday 15 December 2009

Possible Locations 3-Amber and Niall

Pitshanger Park

This location would be ideal as there is a playground near to a forest area. The playground is usually empty which creates an eerie effect, suitable to the atmosphere of our opening sequence.

the above three pictures are possible locations for the appearence of the mutants, they are high up to help give the sense of power and the mutants are in positions which show good balance and strength.

this is a long shot of the playgroud, we have the swings on the left and the climbing frame in the middle, this is a good layout for our opening sequence because to the left of the swings is the forest so that the girls would have to run into the forest.

The above two pictures show the area the girls could run into and the trees that they could use for cover and to hide in.

This picture shows one of the different positions the mutants could take to show balance and an above human level of skill and power.

The swing is the most important part of the first 30 seconds of the opening sequence, this is where Lea is taken by the mutants and is where Lucy and Caroline find her shoe and first see the mutants.

This shot shows another possible location for the appearence of the mutants, this shot shows the mutant in a position that is uncomfortable and awkward for a normal human but ease for the mutants.

The three above shots show the power and animal insticts the mutants have, they can leap powerfully and this gives the audience a view of powerful mutants who can over power the humans.

The above pictures are poses that could help illustrate the mutants fear factor, by hiding their faces and eerie bodies.

Monday 7 December 2009

Character Development By Maya and Niall

These the are actors who we think are suitable for the characters in our opening sequence:

1. Character: Lea Johnson

Actress: Rhia

Aspects of the character required: Young (12/13 years old) Innocent looking. She is very close to her family, however she does not have many friends, which is why she is in the park alone.
Here is a picture of the actress.

This picture below is of the character Hannah from 28 Days Later, who is a young girl victim in the film, which is similar to our character of Lea Johnson. Rhia also has a similar young and innocent appearance to the character Hannah.

2. Character: Mutant 1

Actor: Niall

Aspects of the character required: Male, and he is the tallest and biggest built because he is the ring-leader of the mutants. He is merciless and is the one who is fuelled with revenge of the Doctor.

Here are pictures of Niall. He suits the role as he is tall and lean, and has a more dominant personality, similar to the character of the lead mutant.

The character we have compared Niall to the alpha mutant in 'I Am Legend' we have compared Niall to this character because they are very similar. The are both strong leaders of their packs and are equally merciless. They are both the strongest and most dominat males and others fear them.

3. Character: Mutant 2

Actress: Amber

Aspects of the character required: Female, and smallest of the mutants. She is the wisest of the mutants and the others are protective of her.

Also from 'I Am Legend' we have compared Amber to the mutant that Will Smith's character is experimenting on. We have compared Amber to this character because they are both strong enough to protect themselves they are both protected by the other males and they regard her safety over their own.

4. Character: Mutant 3

Actor: Derek

Aspects of the character required: Male, tall and slender, and is second in command to Mutant 1. He looks up to the leader and will try to seek his approval.

These are pictures of Derek. He suits the profile of the mutant, as he is tall and slender however, he is not talller than Niall, which will signify a lower status to Niall's character.

5. Character: Lucy Green

Actress: Ellie

Aspects of the character required: Female, teenager (16/17 years old). Lucy loves her best mate however can be very selfish and puts herself first many times, even over caroline.

These are pictures of Ellie, who is suitable for the role as she fits the 16 year old girl profile.

This is a picture of the character Tammy from 28 Weeks Later, who is a teenage girl surviver from the infection and take over of the world. Ellie resembles her as she is similar in age and appearance.

6. Character: Caroline Wilson

Actress: Annie

Aspects of the character required: Female, teenage (16/17 years old). She is fond of her best friend and always puts her friends first especially Lucy, this ends up being her biggest weakness.

Here are pictures of the actress Annie, she is suitable for the role as she fits the teenage 17 year old girl profile.

This picture below shows the character Liz Dunn from The Hole, who is a victim and a teenage girl in this thriller. Annie is similar to this character in age and appearance.

All of the characters represent both male and female teenagers of different social classes, and so the film would attract a broad teenage audience.

Sunday 6 December 2009

Possible Locations 2

Wormholt Park (by Amber Lock)

Much like Maya said; we require a woodland area and children's playground area (with a swingset) for our opening sequence. I went to my local park, Wormholt Park, and took pictures after it had just turned dark as wanted to have it the way it would be whilst filming. I thought that the children's playground could potentially be quite eerie, because it is enclosed and full of dark, sinister trees.

  • This is the gate leading up, and into, the playground.

  • This is a wider view of the playground.

  • some close ups of the swingset which we may use for the abduction scene.

  • the surrounding trees:

  • other parts of the park:

unfortunately, although there are a lot of trees, they are generally spread quite far apart and you can also see buildings through them, so it wouldn't be convincing as a woodland for the girl to be 'dragged' through. So, for this reason, this park will not be suitable for our Opening Sequence.